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RNA Type: Structure
Overview: PseudoBase is a database specific of RNA pseudoknot structures. It includes information of sequence/structure, class (RNA type), organism and pseudoknot component structures. In case, PseudoBase++ is the extension of PseudoBase database. The main updates in PseudoBase++ include a quick and advanced search, mapping existing sequences to GenBank, visualization with PseudoViewer, classification of pseudoknots per type and the option to submit new pseudoknots.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by sequence, PKB number, organism name, comment, submitted by, reference, RNA type and structure features (e.g. pseudoknot, loop length), author or journal.
Source: Crystallography, NMR, mutational experiments and sequence comparisons.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: Crystallography, Mutation, Pseudoknot, Sequence, Structure.
Reference: Taufer et al., 2009; Batenburg et al., 2001; Batenburg et al., 2000
PubmedID: 10592225, 11125088, 18988624.
Year: 2009;2001;2000
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No