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RNA Type: Structure
Overview: The Comparative RNA Web database (CRW) is a repository of comparative analysis of ribosomal, transfer and the catalytic intron group I and II RNAs. It stores sequence and structure information for a large number of organisms from different kingdoms.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by organism, phylogeny, common name, sequence length, intron position.
- TAG: search by dataset (e.g. 16S rRNA), sequence length, Exon, ORF, secondary structures, group class (in general access to metadata); or by organism, phylogenetic, classification, (in Secondary Structure Diagram Retrieval); or RNA class or cell location (in both).
- Tabular: search by RNA structure models, base pair, single bases, nucleotide frequency/modifications, RNA conservation diagrams, introns, RNA sequence/structure by organism, motifs, RNA folding, phylogenetic analysis (for rRNA), lateral gene transfer (for Group I intron).
Source: Literature (also Crystal dataset), GenBank, Alignments.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Alignment, Base pair, Crystal data, Diagram, Evolution, Folding, Models, Modifications, Phylogeny, Sequence, Structure.
Reference: Cannone et al., 2002
PubmedID: 11869452.
Year: 2002
Multiple search: No
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Genomic Overview: No