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- Database Details
RNA Type: Structure
Overview: Base Pair Structure (BPS) is a database of RNA base-pair spatial arrangements. Structures were obtained from the Nucleic Acid Database, and from base-pairs characterized using the tool 3DNA.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by NDB or PDB ID.
- TAG: search by structure class.
- Tabular: search by base pair or saenger's pattern (e.g. Watson-crick base pairs, hydrogen bond etc).
Source: PDB, NDB, 3DNA.
Information Source: Experimental.
Information Content: Base pair, Class, Interaction, Isosteres, Orientation, Pattern, Structure.
Reference: Xin and Olson, 2008
PubmedID: 18845572.
Year: 2009
Multiple search: No
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Unspecified.