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- Database Details
Overview: The Signal Recognition Particle Database (SRPDB) is a repository of SRP RNAs and of protein components in several organisms from different kingdoms. It also stores information related to alignment, annotation and phylogeny.
Search Methods:
- Tabular: search by species, group, subgroup or accession (ordered phylogenetically or alphabetically.
Source: Literature, In-house tool (SRP-Scan), Other Tools (BLAST, RNABOB, INFERNAL, PATSCAN and MFOLD), NCBI Taxonomy, GenBank and EMBL.
Information Source: In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Alignment, All kingdom, Motif, Phylogeny, Protein, Sequence, Structure.
Reference: Andersen et al., 2006
PubmedID: 7524020, 7687350, 9399828, 9847170, 10592215, 11125080, 12520023, 16381838, 2147483647.
Year: 2006;2003;2001;2000;1999;1998;1997;1996;1994;1993
Multiple search: No
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: Yes