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- Database Details
RNA Type: small RNA
Overview: sRNATarBase is a database of small regulatory RNA targets in bacterial genomes, obtained by collecting experimental data from literature. There are also two tools: one for the analysis of sRNA-mRNA target interaction in closely related bacterial genomes; and one for sRNA target prediction (sRNATarget - Cao et al, 2009).
Search Methods:
- Similarity: search sequences using the BLAST program. BLAST is also used in conjunction with the tools forPhylogenetic Analysis and Target Prediction.
- Keyword: search by sRNATarBase ID (e.g. SRNAT00001).
- TAG: search by organism, sRNA or Target name, NCBI Code, Target type, regulation, direct or indirect support, PMID.
Source: PubMed and Prediction secondary structure (RNAfold and VARNA).
Information Source: Experimental, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Bacterial, Evidence, Gene, Interaction, mRNA, Phylogeny, Predicted secondary structure, Protein, Regulation, Sequence.
Reference: Cao et al, 2010
PubmedID: 20843985.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: No