
RNA Type: small RNA
Overview: siRNA Locus Database (SiLoDb) is a repository of small RNAs in plants (Medicago truncatula, Arabidopsis thaliana, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Oryza sativa and Solanum lycopersicum).It provides a detailed annotation for these RNAs, regarding their loci, size, class and strand-oriented distribution.
Search Methods:
  • Keyword: search by sequence, minimum and maximum number of full length perfect matches to the genome; or by unique matches, strand bias, percentage mers (e.g. 20-21 - in SRNA loci search).
  • TAG: search by length, output (in sRNA sequence search); or by features (e.g. mature miRNA – in SRNA loci search).
  • Tabular: search by sample accession id.
  • Genomic Location: search by chromosome location.
Source: GEO, miRBase, Medicago Sequencing Project, TAIR, JGI, MSU website (Rice Genome Annotation Project), SOL genomics network.
Information Source: Experimental.
Information Content: Comparative analysis, Expression, Loci, Sample, Sequence, Size classes, Strand bias.
Reference: Unpublished
PubmedID: 17169981.
Year: Unpublish
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: Yes
Organism: Arabidopsis Thaliana (Thale Cress), Medicago truncatula (Barrel Medic), Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato ), Ozyra sativa, Chamydomonas reinhardtii.

June 2018: Release 3.0