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RNA Type: small RNA
Overview: The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii silencing RNA database (cre-siRNA) is a repository of short RNAs characterized in single-cell green algae. This database contains small RNA based on experiments with 454 high-throughput sequencing (including siRNA and miRNA), and their predicted target mRNAs.
Search Methods:
- Similarity: search sequences using the BLAST program.
- Keyword: search by small RNA loci or individual sRNA, sRNA targets (sequence or EST accession) or locus ID.
- TAG: search by filter criteria (e.g. overlap CDS/Transposable element, is a phased/miRNA candidate, sequence length, matches).
Source: Experimental.
Information Source: Experimental.
Information Content: High-throughput sequencing, Locus, Next-generation data, Sequence, Targets.
Reference: Molnar et al., 2007
PubmedID: 17538623.
Year: 2007
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA.
Genomic Overview: Yes