
RNA Type: siRNA
Overview: The short interfering RNA database (siRNAdb) is a repository of siRNAs obtained from literature. There are also resource pages for articles and for the reagents necessary for siRNA application. The user can submit siRNA sequences or publications, which are stored in the database after manual curation.
Search Methods:
  • Tabular: search by siRNA ID, target sequence, geneID, gene accession number, and target position (start and end).
Source: Literature, RefSeq.
Information Source: In silico annotation, Manual curation.
Information Content: Gene, Sequence, Target gene.
Reference: Chalk et al., 2005
PubmedID: 15608162.
Year: 2005
Multiple search: No
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Homo sapiens (Human).

June 2018: Release 3.0