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Overview: antiCODE is a database of non-redundant natural sense-antisense transcript pairs from twelve eukaryotic model organisms (human, mouse, rat, frog, fruit fly, nematode, sea squirt, chicken, zebrafish, cow, rice and thale cress).
Search Methods:
- Tabular: search by sense/antisense, coding/noncoding, cis/trans and organism.
- Similarity: search sequences using the BLAST program.
- Keyword: search by accession number, UniGene or RefSeq name and species name.
- TAG: search by gene or organism.
Source: Literature, NCBI and RIKEN/FANTOM Project.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature.
Information Content: Annotation, Cis/Trans, Condition, Model organisms, Natural Antisense transcript, Sense/Antisense, Sequence, Transcripts.
Reference: Yin et al., 2007
PubmedID: 17760969.
Year: 2007
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA.
Genomic Overview: No