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RNA Type: Multiple classes
Overview: ncRNAimprint is a database of mammalian (human, rhesus, mouse, rat, cow, sheep, pig, wallaby and opossum) imprinted small and long noncoding RNAs. It provides information of imprinted ncRNA-related diseases, ICR (imprinting control regions), as well as deep sequencing data in imprinted regions.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by name, tissue, disease, description, associated ncRNA/Region, OMIM number, location, controlled gene, gene/ncRNA name in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
- TAG: search by species, chromosome, methylated allele, category, status or expressed allele in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
- Tabular: search by name, alias, organism, chromosome, position, status, methylated/expressed allele and associated ncRNAs in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
Source: Literature (PubMed), NCBI (GEO and GenBank), Geneimprint, Catalogue of Imprinted Genes, WAMIDEX, snoRNABase, miRBase, miR2Disease, OMIM, UCSC, In house analysis (Bowtie and miRDeep and in-house Pascal programs).
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Annotation, Deep sequence data, Disease, Epigenetic, Expression, Gene, Genomic Imprinted, Imprinted, Imprinted Control Regions, Next-generation sequencing, Sequence.
Reference: Zhang et al., 2010
PubmedID: 20801769.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: Yes