
RNA Type: Multiple classes
Overview: ncRNAimprint is a database of mammalian (human, rhesus, mouse, rat, cow, sheep, pig, wallaby and opossum) imprinted small and long noncoding RNAs. It provides information of imprinted ncRNA-related diseases, ICR (imprinting control regions), as well as deep sequencing data in imprinted regions.
Search Methods:
  • Keyword: search by name, tissue, disease, description, associated ncRNA/Region, OMIM number, location, controlled gene, gene/ncRNA name in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
  • TAG: search by species, chromosome, methylated allele, category, status or expressed allele in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
  • Tabular: search by name, alias, organism, chromosome, position, status, methylated/expressed allele and associated ncRNAs in one of four categories (e.g. ncRNA, disease, imprinted region or ICR).
Source: Literature (PubMed), NCBI (GEO and GenBank), Geneimprint, Catalogue of Imprinted Genes, WAMIDEX, snoRNABase, miRBase, miR2Disease, OMIM, UCSC, In house analysis (Bowtie and miRDeep and in-house Pascal programs).
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Annotation, Deep sequence data, Disease, Epigenetic, Expression, Gene, Genomic Imprinted, Imprinted, Imprinted Control Regions, Next-generation sequencing, Sequence.
Reference: Zhang et al., 2010
PubmedID: 20801769.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: Yes
Organism: Homo sapiens (Human), Rattus norvegicus (Norway Rat), Mus musculus (House Mouse), Macaca mulatta (Rhesus Monkey), Bos Taurus (Cattle), Ovis aries (Sheep), Sus scrofa (Wild Boar), Macropus rufogriseus (Kangaroo), Monodelphis domestica.

June 2018: Release 3.0