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- Database Details
RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: Plant microRNA database (PMRD) is a repository of plant microRNAs. The databaseinclude a dataset of miRNAs extracted from literature, promoter regions, expression profiling, mature and precursor microRNA information, secondary structure, target gene and annotation.
Search Methods:
- Similarity: search sequences using BLAS program, or search precursor sequences of miRNA by predicting through the prediction tool available on the database.
- Keyword: search by miRNA name, target gene.
- TAG: search by organism or mature/stem-loop miRNA type.
- Tabular: search by organism or expression (e.g. probe name).
- Genomic Location: by organism and chromosome coordinate.
Source: miRBase, Rfam, GEO, psRNATarget server, Prediction secondary structure (RNAfold), Literature.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Annotation, Crops, Experimental Evidence, Expression, Models plants, Predicted secondary structure, Sequence, Structure, Target gene.
Reference: Zhang et al., 2009
PubmedID: 19808935.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: No