RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: Plant microRNA database (PMRD) is a repository of plant microRNAs. The databaseinclude a dataset of miRNAs extracted from literature, promoter regions, expression profiling, mature and precursor microRNA information, secondary structure, target gene and annotation.
Search Methods:
  • Similarity: search sequences using BLAS program, or search precursor sequences of miRNA by predicting through the prediction tool available on the database.
  • Keyword: search by miRNA name, target gene.
  • TAG: search by organism or mature/stem-loop miRNA type.
  • Tabular: search by organism or expression (e.g. probe name).
  • Genomic Location: by organism and chromosome coordinate.
Source: miRBase, Rfam, GEO, psRNATarget server, Prediction secondary structure (RNAfold), Literature.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Annotation, Crops, Experimental Evidence, Expression, Models plants, Predicted secondary structure, Sequence, Structure, Target gene.
Reference: Zhang et al., 2009
PubmedID: 19808935.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA, Other.
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Arabidopsis Thaliana (Thale Cress), Brassica rapa, Dictyostelium discoideum, Glycine Max (Soybean), Medicago truncatula (Barrel Medic), Oryza sativa (Rice), Populus tremula, Vitis vinifera, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Green Alga), Picea abies, Pinus taeda, Physcomitrella patens, Selaginella moellendorffii, Arabidopsis lyrata, Brassica napus and 112 others.

June 2018: Release 3.0