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- Database Details
RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: Patrocles is a database of miRNA-target genes and silencing machinery in seven vertebrates. The database has a tool (Patrocles finder) to determine the DNA sequence polymorphisms (DSP) that influence in miRNA-target gene regulation.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by octamer motif, target gene id/position (in Polymorphic targets search); or by miRNA id or position (in two search: Polymorphic targets or miRNA); or by miRNA id/position or by gene position (Polymorphic silencing machinery search); or by SNP id (in all three searches: Polymorphic silencing machinery, miRNA and targets).
- TAG: search by seed type, source (in Polymorphic targets search); or by functional compartment, gene id (in Polymorphic silencing machinery search); or by type of polymorphism (in two searches: Polymorphic silencing machinery and miRNA); or by species, SNP effect/status (in all three searches: Polymorphic silencing machinery, miRNA and targets).
Source: Ensembl, miRBase, UCSC Genome Database, HapMap, SymAtlas, dbSNP, Stranger et al., 2007, Landgraf et al., 2007, Xie et al., 2005.
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: Annotation, Polymorphism, Silencing machinary, SNP, Target gene.
Reference: Hiard et al., 2009; Georges et al., 2006
PubmedID: 19906729.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No