
RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: miRNeye is a database of miRNA experimental data of the development and adult wild-type mouse eye.
Search Methods:
  • Keyword: search by miRNA name.
  • TAG: search by miRNA name.
Source: In-house experiments (Microarray, RNA in situ hybridization), Gene Ontology, KEGG, GO tool analysis (DAVID web-tool), Target Prediction tool (MiRanda, Pictar, TargetScan).
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: Adult, Anatomical Structure, Annotation, Embryonic, Expression, Eye, Posnatal, Probe, RNA in situ hybridization, Sequence, Spatiotemporal distribution.
Reference: Karali et al., 2010
PubmedID: 21171988.
Year: 2010
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Mus musculus (House Mouse).

Url: http://mirneye.tigem.it/
June 2018: Release 3.0