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RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: microRNA and Transcription Factor Analyses Network (MIR@NT@N) is a database that integrates information related to transcription factors, microRNAs and target genes extracted from public datasets. It generates networks for 12 vertebrates based on a graph approach to predict TFs acting on protein-coding or miRNA transcripts, or miRNAs acting on messenger RNAs.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by gene, miRNA or transcription factor name.
- TAG: search by species.
Source: In-house pipeline, PAZAR, JASPAR, miRBase, Ensembl, oPOSSUM, CpGcluster, CpGProd, MicroCosm, microRNA.org, UniHI.
Information Source: In silico annotation, Literature.
Information Content: Gene, Network, Regulatory network, Target gene, Target miRNA, Transcription Factor.
Reference: Bchec et al., 2011
PubmedID: 21375730.
Year: 2009
Multiple search: Yes
Download: Other.
Genomic Overview: No