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NRDR - The Non-coding RNA Databases Resource


Database version: 2016
RNA Type: Multiple classes
Overview: STarMirDB provides a comprehensive list of sequence, thermodynamic and target structural features that are known to influence miRNA-target interaction.
Search Methods:
  • Keyword: Search by miRNA name, Genbank accession number or gene symbol of a target gene
  • TAG: TAG selection of the species name, combined with the selection of one or more microRNAs from a dropdown list
Source: RefSeq, Wormbase, miRBase, literature, GenBank, HGNC,
Information Source: In silico annotation.
Information Content: .
Reference: Rennie et al. 2016. RNA Biology. 13(6):554-60.
PubmedID: 27144897.
Year: 2016
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Homo sapiens (Human), Mus musculus (House Mouse), Caenorhabditis elegans.

Url: http://sfold.wadsworth.org/starmirDB.php
June 2018: Release 3.0