Overview: RCGD (Renal Cancer Gene Database) is a manually curated compendium of 240 protein-coding and 269 miRNA genes, contributing to the etiology and pathogenesis of various forms of renal cell carcinomas. RCDB includes the miRNAs dysregulated in RCC (renal cell carcinoma), along with the corresponding information regarding the type of RCC and/or metastatic or prognostic significance. While some of the miRNA genes showed an association with other types of cancers few were unique to RCC.
Search Methods:
Keyword: Search by microRNA name
Similarity: BLAST searches against stored sequences
TAG: TAG selection according to the type of renal carcinoma
Source: PubMed, literature
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: .
Reference: Ramana. 2012. BMC Research Notes. 5:246