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NRDR - The Non-coding RNA Databases Resource


Database version: 1.0
RNA Type: Multiple classes
Overview: LeishDB is a comprehensive database for genomic information in Leishmania. It currently stores information relate to all coding genes and the repertoire of different non-coding RNAs predicted in Leishmania braziliensis using computational and RNA-seq approaches.
Search Methods:
  • Genomic Location: Search using genomic coordinates through a specific form and through a genome browser
  • Keyword: Search by non-coding RNA name, gene name
  • Similarity: BLAST searches against stored RNAs
Source: NRDR, StructRNAfinder, RNA-seq
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: .
Reference: Torres et al. 2017. LeishDB: a database of coding gene annotation and non-coding RNAs in Leishmania braziliensis. 2017, bax047
PubmedID: 29220437.
Year: 2017
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: Yes
Organism: Leishmania braziliensis.

Url: http://leishdb.com/
June 2018: Release 3.0