Overview: SpermBase is a repository for sperm RNA expression data and also provide a standard approach to studying these peculiar RNAs. It contains large and small sperm-borne RNA expression data for mouse (M. musculus), rat (R. norvegicus), rabbit (O. cuniculus), and human (H. sapiens). In addition to whole sperm data, sperm head-only large RNA expression data is available for mouse, rabbit, and human; sperm head-only small RNA expression data is available for mouse and rabbit.
Search Methods:
Keyword: Search for specific RNA species or types (e.g., miRNA, non-coding large RNA)
Source: RNA-seq
Information Source: Experimental.
Information Content: .
Reference: Schuster et al. 2016. SpermBase: a database for sperm RNA contents. Biology of Reproduction. 95(5):99.