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NRDR - The Non-coding RNA Databases Resource


Database version: 1.0
RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: Psmir is a comprehensive database that presents computationally predicted small molecule-miRNA associations through comparison of current gene expression profiles under miRNA perturbation and drug treatment. It also provides detailed annotations of the predicted associations according to the known small molecule or miRNA information.
Search Methods:
  • TAG: TAG search using the molecular type name and/or the microRNA name.
Source: HMDD, miR2Disease, miREnvironment, SM2miR
Information Source: In silico annotation.
Information Content: .
Reference: Meng et al. 2016. Psmir: a database of potential associations between small molecules and miRNAs. Sciencitic Reports. 6, 19264
PubmedID: 26759061.
Year: 2016
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Homo sapiens (Human).

Url: http://www.bio-bigdata.com/Psmir/index.jsp
June 2018: Release 3.0