RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: The Dragon database on Polymorphic Regulation of human miRNA genes (dPORE - miRNA) is a database of effects of SNPs in the transcription factor binding sites of promoter regions of miRNA genes.
Search Methods:
  • Keyword: search by miRNA name, disease, protein (target), pathway, SNP id (e.g. rs73058952) or transcription factor name
  • TAG: search by KEGG pathway ID or name.
  • Tabular: search by miRNA name.
  • Genomic Location: search by genomic region.
Source: Literature (Corcoran et al., 2009; Fujita et al., 2008; Marson et al., 2008; Ozsolak et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2007), UCSC Genome browser, In house analysis (BIOBASE MATCH program, TRANSFAC matrix), PhenomiR, Tarbase, KEGG pathways.
Information Source: In silico annotation, Literature.
Information Content: Annotation, Disease, Gene, Pathway, Polymorphism, Promoter, Sequence, SNP, Target, Transcription Factor, Transcription Factor Binding Site.
Reference: Schmeier et al., 2011
PubmedID: 21326606.
Year: 2011
Multiple search: Yes
Download: Other.
Genomic Overview: Yes
Organism: Homo sapiens (Human).

Url: http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/dpore/
June 2018: Release 3.0