Overview: lncRInter is reliable and high quality lncRNA interaction database containing experimentally validated data. The lncRNA interaction datasets are all extracted from peer-reviewed publications by curators with strict criteria that there were based on certain experimental evidence (e.g. RNA pull-down, luciferase reporter assay, in vitro binding assay, etc.) for direct lncRNA interactions.
Search Methods:
Keyword: Search by lncRNA or ID, by specifics keywords available in publications, or by the name of interacting partners
Tabular: Tabular list of all lncRNA interactions available in the Browse tab
TAG: Search by a specific interaction class (RNA-TF, RNA-protein, RNA-RNA, RNA-DNA) or by species
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: .
Reference: Liu et al. 2017. lncRInter: A database of experimentally validated long non-coding RNA interaction. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 44(5) 265-268.