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Database version: 2013
RNA Type: snoRNA
Overview: snOPY (small nucleolar RNA orthological gene database) provides comprehensive information about three types of infromation: snoRNAs, snoRNA gene loci, and target RNAs. snOPY also provides information about snoRNA orthologues, which enables users to analyze the evolution of snoRNA genes.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: Keywords
- Similarity: search against sequence in snoRNA or Locus or rRNA databases
- Tabular: Organisms, snoRNA
- TAG: Species, Box type, Target RNA, Organization, Curation status
Source: Public databases, BLAST, ClustalW
Information Source: In silico annotation, Literature, Manual curation.
Information Content: Alignment, Orthologs, Similarity, Target RNA.
Reference: Yoshihama et al., 2013
PubmedID: 24148649.
Year: 2013
Multiple search: Yes
Download: FASTA.
Genomic Overview: Yes