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RNA Type: siRNA
Overview: The RNAiAtlas has been created for exploration, analysis and distribution of large scale RNAi libraries (currently limited to the human genome) with their latest annotation (including former history) but in addition it contains also specific on-target analysis results (design quality, side effects, off-targets).
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by Gene symbol, Gene id or Sirna id.
- Similarity: search by siRNA Sequence
- TAG: search by annotation year or library attributes
Source: The database integrates the information of the siRNA reagents from three human genome-wide libraries
Information Source: Experimental.
Information Content: Annotation, Silencing machinary, Silencing process, Target, Target RNA.
Reference: Mazur S., Csucs G., Kozak K., 2012. RNAiAtlas: a database for RNAi (siRNA) libraries and their specificity. Database (Oxford) 2012: bas027. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
PubmedID: 22700939.
Year: 2012
Multiple search: Yes
Download: No
Genomic Overview: Yes