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RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: YM500 is an Integrative small RNA Sequencing database for miRNA research and provides an integrative web interface for miRNA quantification (for known miRNAs in the miRBase R19), isomiR identification, arm switching discovery, and, most of all, novel miRNA predictions. This database also contains the results of meta-analysis from hundreds of public small RNA-Seq datasets and dozens of in-house ones.
Search Methods:
- Density of ncRNAs: By microRNA clusters for each organism
- Genomic Location: By using the genomic coordinates for each organism
- Keyword: By microRNA name or free text keyword
Source: Small RNA sequencing, Experiment, Predictions
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, In silico annotation, Literature.
Information Content: Expression, Literature, Next-generation sequencing, pri-miRNA expression.
Reference: Cheng et al
PubmedID: 23203880.
Year: 2013
Multiple search: Yes
Download: Other.
Genomic Overview: No