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- Database Details
RNA Type: small RNA
Overview: sRNAdb is a database that was developed with the objective to help the users to understand sRNA’s functional and phylogenetic relationships and to provide tools for data analysis and visualization. The public sRNAdb server contains 558 gram-positive genomes and plasmids as well as 9993 automatically predicted and 671 experimentally verified sRNAs.
Search Methods:
- Similarity: Using BLASTn
- TAG: Based on different features according the snRNA: name, strand, condition, annotation, etc
- Keyword: Based on the name of the snRNA or the reference
- Genomic Location: Searches can be performed based on the up- or downstream distance to an sRNA of interest
Source: PubMed, Springer
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation.
Information Content: Annotation, Genome locus.
Reference: Pischimarov et al
PubmedID: 22883983.
Year: 2012
Multiple search: Yes
Download: Other.
Genomic Overview: No
Organism: Unspecified.