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RNA Type: miRNA
Overview: miRFANs is an integrated database of Arabidopsis thaliana miRNAs which encompasses miRNA-target interactions, expression, transcription factor and their targets, expression profiles, genomic annotations and pathways, into a comprehensive database, and developed various statistical and mining tools. For miRNA targets, three predicted sets by three computational algorithms (psRNATarget, TargetAlign and UEA target-finder) and two experimentally validated sets (miRTarBase and TarBase) are collected. Each miRNA target is associated with gene ontology and pathway terms,together with the target site information and regulating miRNAs predicted by different computational methods.These associated terms may provide valuable insight for the functions of each miRNA.
Search Methods:
- Keyword: Keyword and gene type (miRNA or coding gene)
Source: miR-Base, TAIR, psRNATarget, TargetAlign, TarBase, GEO, ASRP, PMRD, GO, KEGG, ACRIS, UCSC, Target-finder
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, In silico annotation.
Information Content: Arabidopsis thaliana, Database, function annotations, Plant microRNAs.
Reference: Liu H, Jin T, Liao R, et al.
PubmedID: 22583976.
Year: 2012
Multiple search: No
Download: No
Genomic Overview: No