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RNA Type: Long RNA
Overview: Lncipedia.org is a integrated database of 32,183 human annotated lncRNA transcripts obtained from different sources. In addition to basic transcript information and structure, several statistics are calculated for each entry in the database, such as secondary structure information, protein coding potential and microRNA binding sites
Search Methods:
- Keyword: search by Name/ID or by sequences using partial sequences
- TAG: search by chromosomal location and database source
Source: LncRNAdb, Broad Institute, Ensembl, Gencode
Information Source: Experimental, In silico annotation, In silico annotation, Literature.
Information Content: chromosomal location, Gene ID, Locus conservation, miRNA targets, Protein coding potential, related literature, Secondary Structure, transcript ID, transcript size.
Reference: Volders et al., 2013
PubmedID: 23042674.
Year: 2013
Multiple search: Yes
Download: BED, GFF, GTF, FASTA, Request.
Genomic Overview: No